Finding the devil.

And ,,The Titatic“ is on purpose.

Hledání ďábla.

Lubomír Tomik

je listování momenty
je jehla v jehelníčku pak pod nehty
je zrnko písku pak mezi zuby
je sůl v ranách které se nechtějí zavřít
je proud rezi z Titatiku

nikdy ho nehledáš nejblíž tak vem do rukou horu,
vem horu a napíchni mě na ni
 víří písek postav ji do oceánu a máš ostrov

máš korály,
máš korály,

hledáš ďábla,
najdu si Tě sám,
najdi si mne sama,
už ani krok neudělám,

Finding the Devil.

Lubomír Tomik

is scrolling moments
the needle is in the needle box then under the nails
is a grain of sand between the teeth
there is salt in wounds that do not want to close
is a stream of rust from the Titatic

you never look for him the closest so take the mountain in your hands
take a mountain and impale me on it
by the throat
by the heart
by the neck
  swirl the sand put it in the ocean and you have an island

you have corals
you have corals

are you looking for the devil
I'll find you myself
find me alone
I won't take another step
we swirl