Teď ovšem Ruská ruleta…

…je tak… ponurá, přesto co vše,se dnes stalo…ráno jsem napsal slova a o pár hodin později se realita otřásla a odpoledne mi přítel poslal fotky z Velkých Karlovic, je tam najednou na kole, cyklovýlet, řekni mi ,jak na Tebe nemyslet, poprvé Vernisáž, podruhé dnes a potřetí… Tě už musím obejmout, nebo vyhodím svět do povětří.

6 komentářů: „Teď ovšem Ruská ruleta…

  1. Hello Poet ;
    I’m currently ready a book and the author speak about the French betrayal of your country in 1938, can I send you the little passage about this event so you can give me your opinion as a citizen about it ?

    Líbí se 1 osoba

      1. I have used Google translate, hopefully you will understand what this is about.
        Navzdory tomuto všeobecnému pocitu zklamání nebo zášti, navzdory tomuto oslabení morální prestiže Francie, za to, že v roce 1938 opustila mladou Českou republiku, kterou sama rozhodně pomohla zrodit se z trosek ústřední říše po roce 1919, navzdory tomuto historickému sporu zůstala Paříž městem světla. (Book of Jorge Semprun called « exercices de survie »)

        To se mi líbí

        1. Jaskiers, here is it :

          Yes, despite leaving the young Czech-Slovak Republic, betraying everything she promised to stand up for her ally with the other allies in the event of an attack, which it did, and France did not, Paris remained a city of light. for the French. some.

          For the Czechoslovaks it was a city of darkness, betrayal and sorrow.
          it was not until later, when it became clear that not all the French were with Hitler, that they had risen against him with a weapon in hand, their opinion changed, and Paris lit up again into the night.
          However, this is the opinion of the citizen, perhaps historians have a different view, this is how it has been presented to me since childhood, that the Allies betrayed us and Paris, as a city of light, has ceased to shine in the minds of ordinary people.
          For a time, people’s desire for freedom is great, it is such that it can re-illuminate the city of lights, because what would be left of it if Hitler won – fortunately it did not happen and continues to shine like a unique diamond.

          Yes, despite leaving the young Czech-Slovak Republic, betraying everything she promised to stand up for her ally with the other allies in the event of an attack, which it did, and France did not, Paris remained a city of light. for the French. some.

          and one qoute on finish :

          „And I say to my people’s masters: beware, beware of the
          Thing that is coming, beware of the risen people, who shall
          Take what we would not give.
          Did ye think to conquer the people, or that law is stronger
          Than life and than men’s desire to be free?“
          [―Padraig Pearse, „The Rebell“]

          You are the best, Jaskiers, when you write about THIS thing…thanks, and…YES, fingers cross for you.

          Líbí se 1 osoba

          1. Thanks for that true answer. It’s important for me as a French to know how the country we were supposed to help didn’t receive our help and worse, have been betrayed by us. I feel the same for Poland that we literally gave to Hitler even to we pledged to protect them.
            Our politicians at the time weren’t courageous and scared of the Third Reich, even if in 1938, the German army wasn’t ready for a big war, our politicians bowed to the despot and let your country down.
            Hope your generation and the others forgave us, I will understand that they didn’t.
            Thanks again for that incredible answer Poet ! And for that powerful quote !

            Líbí se 1 osoba

  2. You are welcome, I’m glad you’re happy with answer, then I’d like to put a link to your article on my site, yfyou agreed.
    Again: I like HOW and WHAT you’re writing about … from the horrors of war to the beauty of wild horses! This quote…yeah, its very true, very powerful…very real.
    And forgivness…we will see, maybe we dont live that long …but i think, yes, its history, but we must learn from it !
    Hi to Normandy, land of wild horses!:)

    To se mi líbí

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